Cebu, Philippines - Day 9

We left the hotel at 5:30am for the airport and arrived there to find virtually none of the sort of infrastructure we might have expected at an airport. We had arrived at this same place but, I suppose, hadn’t paid much attention to it as we were trying to find our hosts in the rain. Now we could see how it was pieced together with cardboard signs and everything, check-in, bags, payments, security, being done by hand or on one of two computers sitting on a makeshift table under a temporary florescent light.

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We flew to Cebu to join Rony at another workshop at the San Carlos University and were welcomed by another banner. All our Filipino academic hosts have been especially good with welcome banners and certificates of completion - not to mention wonderful gifts of chocolate covered mangoes! We found the group already working in a circle with Rony and joined right in.

Rony’s workshop was practiced and thorough; using a power point presentation, he walked students through specific skill sets for trauma relief and gave real examples from his extensive experience.

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Michelle and I ran a PLAYshop after lunch which was very well received, especially after the day of warm-ups and contextualizing that Rony had offered them.

That night, we flew to Manila and went virtually straight to bed as we all had big days planned.